#Emptiness or Sunyata ::

Teaching is welcome if I am fallacious πŸ™ 

Emptiness is form and form is emptiness.


The Sunyata was Expounded by Buddha 2500 years ago and it was explained further to help all the sentient beings and later developed by Nalanda professor NagarJuna in 2nd century as a commentary to  Lord Buddhas Teaching.


What is Sunyata or dependent arising ( dependent origination)?

1…According to Buddha every phenomena in this universe is based on emptiness, that means everything exists depending on  other  Phenomena. And there is no individual essence unchanging and permanent in the each entity.

For instance , human being has body which consists of five senses functioning it’s own function and mind sense which forms mental thoughts:

Thought arises in human depending on sense organs and we are conscious of it . 

Consciousness depends upon senses to exist , in fact each sense organ has its own consciousness.

Buddha taught there is No subject (no self) as everything is changing and non permanent 

However, emptiness is not nothingness, it cannot  be put into words or conventional truth exactly.

Emptiness can be neither same to its cause nor different to its cause.

Just like in above examples: you are Neither same to body- mind consciousness nor different to it. 

That can be right explanation to Sunyata, how can you grasp it ?

2…Now we come to Buddhist teacher or Great master NagarJuna  who founded Madhya Mika Buddhist School.

It was known that  Buddha remained in silence when questioned whether there is self or  no- self .

Buddha remained silent to question If there is self, because ultimately emptiness is not nothingness and non- self was taught because there is no known essence permanent in every entity. 

In order to remove attachment and desire in beings , Buddha taught how there is no self and how self is illusory in nature. 

On the basis of self and No self teaching or On Buddhas middle path, NagarJuna expounded and taught Madhyamika Buddhist Philosophy .

What is Madhyamika Philosophy?

It is a middle way approach to self  and anatman ( no self) which must be answer to Buddhas silence to regarding existence of self and non self.

NagarJuna Explained Madhyamika ( regarding Sunyata) that there are no objects too as all Dharma exists interdependently or arise dependently 

Simple example : where is Ferrari

without tyre? 

Is Ferrari a Tyre? Or is tyre a Ferrari?

The great Also explained that Sunyata doesn’t mean non existence of phenomena,it means that there is no independent existence of intrinsic permanent and unchanging entity .

He explained two types of truth conventional truth( concepts , knowledge and languages or reality of this physical world)

Ultimate truth ( emptiness, Sunyata and nirvana)

NagarJuna has also taught emptiness of emptiness , which means that emptiness itself is empty. 

*In my opinion NagarJuna has taught emptiness is void too means , he was saying that whatever concepts or conventional truth he used to point emptiness should be left unattached as conventional truth can flirt only near by emptiness or ultimate truth .

Conclusion :

The great silence of Buddha should be interpreted by each individual by following Buddhas middle path teaching and after going through NagarJuna’s teaching on lord Buddhas noble teaching .

The conventional truth or name can be always given to describe ultimate truth. The Buddhas teaching via silence and Buddhas teaching of non- self , both should be interpreted rightly to be empty and Sunyata or to realize true nature of oneself.

May all sentient being will grasp and be emptiness of empty one day .

Emptiness wrongly grasped is like grasping poisonous snake by the tail 

Teacher Nāgārjuna 

Teaching is welcome if I am fallacious or wrongly opinionated πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™


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