
#Emptiness or Sunyata ::

Teaching is welcome if I am fallacious 🙏  Emptiness is form and form is emptiness. Introduction: The Sunyata was Expounded by Buddha 2500 years ago and it was explained further to help all the sentient beings and later developed by Nalanda professor NagarJuna in 2nd century as a commentary to  Lord Buddhas Teaching.   What is Sunyata or dependent arising ( dependent origination)? 1…According to Buddha every phenomena in this universe is based on emptiness, that means everything exists depending on  other  Phenomena. And there is no individual essence unchanging and permanent in the each entity. For instance , human being has body which consists of five senses functioning it’s own function and mind sense which forms mental thoughts: Thought arises in human depending on sense organs and we are conscious of it .  Consciousness depends upon senses to exist , in fact each sense organ has its own consciousness. Buddha taught there is No subject (no self) as everything is changing and non pe


Sept-16-2014   EVEN THE GOLDEN TEMPLE COULDN'T MAKE ME CHEERFUL.     I was so gloomy that day; I didn't know what karma is It.? My friends would have observed my gloominess on that day. Why I was feeling so pathetic and cheerless that day. The answer clicked as pain, since the beloved human being who once so close to me was gone away completely from my life. Though I was in dismal on that day, my friends were all cheerful and laughing, but my laughter doesn’t originate from the heart. To act as if I was laughing from the heart was the tough task that I couldn't give the right laughter that a joke deserves. I was among our group friends masked my face with a weak smile that was strength-less and that it won’t be able to get reply from any of my friend. However, I managed to act throughout. As we all reached outside the college campus, there was a bus ready to take its journey towards Jalandhar(main city in Punjab) from where we can further journey to our desti


“Drive” is about by what motivation techniques or systems in place really works to steer individual, organizations or societies to gain maximum benefits and optimal satisfaction. In it author explained on the basis of scientific experiments by various think tank and social scientist that carrot and sticks (rewards and punishment) are so last century and what we need in 21 st century are autonomy, mastery and large purpose in the work we do. And he also says what business does and what science proved or knows is going mutually exclusive to each other in the present scenario. In the book author covered vast fields and it must be read by every individual. Here I would be writing summaries of book in a nutshell. In the introduction part he had introduced the puzzling puzzles of Harry Harlow and Edward Deci (Psychologist and behavioral scientist) in which author explained about their experiment with monkeys for two weeks and scientist’s finding of third drive- what some call “int

The New Season

THE NEW SEASON -poem Forty pale Seasons has passed. Dark halos around my body, Walked this world with sick soul, With guided by no passions With weak limbs and artificial smile.              Unlike ere, ‘it’s different season,                Season: In which there is perennial joy,         Now I  smile and laugh to the Universe.       With Bona fide smile: Not born superficially.        But bloomed from immortal bud of Ecstasy. By-Lt.Karma Tshelthrim

My Realization During pandemic crisis

The species so called, “Homo Sapiens” are very fond of destroying vegetation and construction, development of speed technologies, and to bring artificial genetic changes in natural species. So, whatever happens on this earth is result of what we human are doing on this earth due to our insatiable greediness. Here is what I realized down below, during this period of human fates on this earth. -Most importantly, what I realized is health is all that is very essential to human being than anything else. -Globalization makes virus to become pandemic rapidly and  also, I would say despite struggle faced by those people who are infected and indirectly affected by lockdown. For some of the people, it is realization; it is journey towards inside to know oneself. -And what a destruction human have brought upon this earth in the process of chasing happiness. - Many people are lost to these pandemic diseases and all the nations of the world should always prepare for such viral infection

Humble message to Parents, societies and teachers.

Honorable Teachers and Parents, Our successive legendary kings of Smen Ljong Drukyul has always said that the future of nation belongs to the Children of today. whether to further nation peacefully in future or disorganize it down is fully dependent upon the youth of today. By taking into account the present situation of the world and our nation, all the learning places were under lockdown and world is more or less stagnant and under restrain by the Corona virus. Despite it, our nation is wonderfully doing well under the kind direction of his Majesty and the best effort of the present government to tackle and challenge the modern pandemic per se. And importantly students of our nation were going on continuous process of learning virtually with his majesty’s noble Ideas. Moreover teachers were sending resources and assignments through Emails and other possible social Medias. Due to the noble visions and arduous strive from the part of successive governments; our education s


Is ignorance Blaspheme????????? Is ultimate aim of enlightened being is to stop cycle of samsara and let human race disappear? Why realm of human and Animal is together???